Communications rack mounted and adjusted, 27 RU, 800mmx800mm
The elements included in the assembly are:
- VPN router
- Interconnection elements of the equipment included in the rack: patch-cords, panels, adapters, screws...
- Specific headends and service equipment required in the project (the number and type of devices must be previously defined in the capture of requirements with the client)
- Multiswitch with the number of inputs and outputs according to the project (optional)
Product no:
- Specifically intended for the distribution of Hospitality services, such as: IPTV, Interactive Television, VoD, nPVR...
- It includes a rack with steel frame and steel plates, equipped with four 19" sides, allowing the front and rear panels to move backwards
- It includes the devices and accessories required for the project (previously defined with the client), either GPON system or structured cabling system
- It includes the service of assembly and connection(*) of the equipment required in the project, as well as a complete testing, validation and optimization for correct operation
- Different equipment options depending on the project requirements
- The equipment is integrated into a single chassis for efficient management
- All the rack structural elements have punch-holes to facilitate ventilation
- Labelling of cabling and components included in the rack for easy maintenance
(*) This reference includes only and exclusively the wiring between the devices included in the rack structure. Connection to the distribution network is not included.
Fysiska data
Nettovikt: 135.248 g
Bruttovikt: 135.248 g
Bredd: 800 mm
Höjd: 1.303 mm
Djup: 800 mm
Huvudproduktens vikt: 80.000 g
Back 1 st.
tlv_reflog | A-19RACK27 |
tlv_ean | 8424450172926 |
tlv_dim_product_x | 800 |
tlv_dim_product_x_label | Bredd |
tlv_dim_product_x_unit | mm |
tlv_dim_product_y | 1.303 |
tlv_dim_product_y_label | Höjd |
tlv_dim_product_y_unit | mm |
tlv_dim_product_z | 800 |
tlv_dim_product_z_label | Djup |
tlv_dim_product_z_unit | mm |
tlv_weight_product_label | Huvudproduktens vikt |
tlv_weight_product | 80.000 |
tlv_weight_product_unit | g |
tlv_gross_weight_label | Bruttovikt |
tlv_gross_weight | 135.248 |
tlv_gross_weight_unit | g |
tlv_net_weight_label | Nettovikt |
tlv_net_weight_unit | g |
tlv_net_weight | 135.248 |
tlv_1_type_pack | Back |
tlv_1_type_pcs_pack | st. |
tlv_1_pcs_pack | 1 |
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